
Merial Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for Dogs and Puppies Review

Merial Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for Dogs and Puppies
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My dog is a Chow mix and very furry. Ticks are impossible to find under her two layered coat until it's too late. At first, I tried cheaper brands. They work on ticks but do nothing for fleas. Then my vet recommended Frontline. I later tried K9 Advantix since they claim to also kill mosquitos, but I didn't notice any difference with the little bloodsuckers. And the protection from K9 Advantix didn't seem to last as long so I switched back to Frontline.

Frontline works great for us. My dog is an outdoor dog and our county reportedly has more deer than people. And with deer come deer ticks. I've seen deer in my back yard and my dog's house is very near the woods for shade. And she likes to take the occasional jaunt through the woods. Still I rarely find a tick on her. And when I do, they're usually dead (or soon will be).

I wish I'd known Amazon was selling Frontline for a better price sooner. I've been purchasing only 3 months worth for about $50 from another site for the last 2 years. Very frustrating since before you know it, you're out. With 6 months worth I only have to remember 2 times a year instead of 4.

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Product Description:
As the top choice of veterinarians, Merial Frontline Plus provides fast-acting, long-lasting flea and tick control for your dog. Within 12 hours of application, Frontline Plus should not only kill all of the fleas, but also break the life cycle to prevent future infestations. It's proven to kill all life stages of 4 major tick species, including those which may carry Lyme disease. When you apply Frontline Plus, the active ingredient, fibronil, is stored in the oil glands beneath the skin. It is then distributed continuously to the skin and hair of your pet through the hair follicles. Frontline Plus offers total protection for 30 days. It's waterproof, so your dog remains protected during and after baths and rainstorms. For dogs 45 to 88 pounds.

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